
Siya Euphyratica GmbH (SEG)
Spaldingstraße 210,

20097 Hamburg (Germany)

Dr. Lei Yang

Email: info(at)siya-group.com
Web: http://www.siya-group.com

Registration number in the trade register: Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 133146
Value added tax identification number according to section 27a Value Added Tax Act: DE297200207

Responsible person with regards to content according to section 55 subpar. 2 Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag – RStV):
Dr. Lei Yang (address same as above)

Header Homepage: © Barcin / Source: istockphoto.com / Use: siya-group.com

Website – Design and WordPress:
saa media Gmbh (saamedia.de) with Björn Höfer (www.bjoernhoefer.de)


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The content of these pages were compiled with utmost care. For the accuracy, the completeness and the timeliness we cannot assume any liability.

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Our website contains links to external websites on whose contents we have no influence. Therefore, we can not assume any liabilty for this external content. For the content of the linked websites the respective offerer or operator of the website is responsible. The linked sites will be checked for possible infringements of law at the time of the creation of the link. At the time of linking unlawful contents were not recognizable. A permanent control of the contents of the linked sites, however, without concrete evidence of a violation of the law, is not reasonable. As soon as we besome aware of a legal violation we will remove such contents immediately.

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